Anasazi to Zuni
The most traditional of Pueblo crafts, a product of the earth itself, is thriving in New Mexico. Fine pottery is being shaped, designed and fired at many of the 19 pueblos as well as by the Hopis of northeastern Arizona.
Pottery old and new
Perhaps the most highly regarded prehistoric pottery today is from the Mimbres River culture of southwestern New Mexico that flourished in the 12th century. Mimbreno designs embodied animals, insects, fish, and human figures. The only illustrative pottery of that time, the rest was of geometric designs. They depicted planting, mining, and ceremonial dancing, telling the story of the time.
A large selection of Authentic Collectables
There are hundreds of potters in New Mexico and Arizona today. Originally made for their own use and trade among pueblos, the indigenous people of the American Southwest bartered with their pottery. Later it was created for curios and gradually, a popular demand grew for quality pottery of original design.